The LLRP Toolkit houses the development of open source libraries in various languages to help reader and software vendors build and parse LLRP messages. The toolkit is hosted at SourceForge.net, an Internet repository for open source software efforts such as net-snmp, wxWidgets, and jBoss. The site is hosted under the project name "LLRP Toolkit" and can be found directly at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/llrp-toolkit.
Toolkit project files are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The Apache license encourages free use of software for both commercial and non-commercial use.
What is LLRP?
In April 2007, EPCglobal ratified the Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) standard, a specification for the network interface between the reader and its controlling software or hardware. Having already standardized the tag and reader radio frequency (RF) air interface protocol with the UHF Gen 2 standard, this specification was the practical, logical next step in facilitating the adoption of EPC and RFID technology. A copy of the LLRP specification can be found on GS1's website. Learn more about LLRP in the FAQ.
LLRP Toolkit Goals
- Provide libraries for the development of LLRP-based applications and smart readers
- Accelerate integration of LLRP into open RFID frameworks
- Facilitate development of LLRP-based test tools
- Provide a human-readable form for LLRP messages to facilitate an LLRP discussion community
- Simplify basic LLRP message transactions
- Enable a common framework for LLRP vendor extensions
LLRP Toolkit Contents
- Documentation on the Toolkit architecture and usage model
- A human- and machine-readable description of the LLRP binary protocol binding
- A human- and machine-readable description of the LLRP abstract protocol
- Source code and libraries for creating LLRP frames from a TCP/IP socket interface
- Source code and libraries for marshalling LLRP binary frames to and from native code objects