Uses of Interface

Packages that use Timestamp

Uses of Timestamp in org.llrp.ltk.generated.parameters

Classes in org.llrp.ltk.generated.parameters that implement Timestamp
 class Uptime
          The timestamps in LLRP messages or parameters can be either the uptime or the UTC time [UTC].
 class UTCTimestamp
          The timestamps in LLRP messages or parameters can be either the uptime or the UTC time [UTC].

Fields in org.llrp.ltk.generated.parameters declared as Timestamp
protected  Timestamp FrequencyRSSILevelEntry.timestamp
protected  Timestamp ReaderEventNotificationData.timestamp

Methods in org.llrp.ltk.generated.parameters that return Timestamp
 Timestamp FrequencyRSSILevelEntry.getTimestamp()
          get timestamp of type Timestamp .
 Timestamp ReaderEventNotificationData.getTimestamp()
          get timestamp of type Timestamp .

Methods in org.llrp.ltk.generated.parameters with parameters of type Timestamp
 void FrequencyRSSILevelEntry.setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp)
          set timestamp of type Timestamp.
 void ReaderEventNotificationData.setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp)
          set timestamp of type Timestamp.

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