Uses of Interface

Packages that use LLRPEndpoint   

Uses of LLRPEndpoint in

Fields in declared as LLRPEndpoint
protected  LLRPEndpoint LLRPConnection.endpoint

Methods in that return LLRPEndpoint
 LLRPEndpoint LLRPConnection.getEndpoint()
          returns the endpoint which receives incoming LLRPMessages

Methods in with parameters of type LLRPEndpoint
 void LLRPConnection.setEndpoint(LLRPEndpoint endpoint)
          sets the endpoint which receives incoming LLRPMessages

Constructors in with parameters of type LLRPEndpoint
LLRPAcceptor(LLRPEndpoint endpoint)
          creates a remotely initiated LLRP connection on default PORT 5084 and uses LLRPIoHandlerAdapterImpl by default
LLRPAcceptor(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, int port)
          creates a remotely initiated LLRP connection and uses LLRPIoHandlerAdapterImpl by default
LLRPAcceptor(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, int port, LLRPIoHandlerAdapter handler)
          creates a remotely initiated LLRP connection and uses LLRPIoHandlerAdapterImpl by default
LLRPAcceptor(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, LLRPIoHandlerAdapter handler)
          creates a remotely initiated LLRP connection on default PORT 5084
LLRPConnector(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, java.lang.String host)
          LLRPConnector using parameters provided and LLRPIoAdapterHandlerImpl as default IoHandler and default port 5084
LLRPConnector(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, java.lang.String host, int port)
          LLRPConnector using parameters provided and LLRPIoAdapterHandlerImpl as default IoHandler
LLRPConnector(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, java.lang.String host, int port, LLRPIoHandlerAdapter handler)
          LLRPConnector using parameters provided
LLRPConnector(LLRPEndpoint endpoint, java.lang.String host, LLRPIoHandlerAdapter handler)
          LLRPConnector using parameters provided and default port 5084

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