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[Core Message Classes]


#include <ltkcpp.h>

Inheritance diagram for LLRP::CGET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE:

LLRP::CMessage LLRP::CElement List of all members.

Internal Framework Functions

void decodeFields (CDecoderStream *pDecoderStream)
 Virtual function provided by each specific element type to decode fields (simple values). Leaves pDecoderStream at first subparameter.
void assimilateSubParameters (CErrorDetails *pError)
 Assimilates the decoded sub-parameters into m_listAllSubParameters.
void encode (CEncoderStream *pEncoderStream) const
 Encode fields and subparameters.
CElements_construct (void)
void s_decodeFields (CDecoderStream *pDecoderStream, CElement *pElement)
const CFieldDescriptor *const s_apFieldDescriptorTable []
const CTypeDescriptor s_typeDescriptor

Public Member Functions

CLLRPStatusgetLLRPStatus (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP LLRPStatus sub-parameter.
EResultCode setLLRPStatus (CLLRPStatus *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP LLRPStatus sub-parameter.
CIdentificationgetIdentification (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP Identification sub-parameter.
EResultCode setIdentification (CIdentification *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP Identification sub-parameter.
std::list< CAntennaProperties
* >::iterator 
beginAntennaProperties (void)
 Returns the first element of the AntennaProperties sub-parameter list.
std::list< CAntennaProperties
* >::iterator 
endAntennaProperties (void)
 Returns the last element of the AntennaProperties sub-parameter list.
void clearAntennaProperties (void)
 Clears the LLRP AntennaProperties sub-parameter list.
EResultCode addAntennaProperties (CAntennaProperties *pValue)
 Add a AntennaProperties to the LLRP sub-parameter list.
std::list< CAntennaConfiguration
* >::iterator 
beginAntennaConfiguration (void)
 Returns the first element of the AntennaConfiguration sub-parameter list.
std::list< CAntennaConfiguration
* >::iterator 
endAntennaConfiguration (void)
 Returns the last element of the AntennaConfiguration sub-parameter list.
void clearAntennaConfiguration (void)
 Clears the LLRP AntennaConfiguration sub-parameter list.
EResultCode addAntennaConfiguration (CAntennaConfiguration *pValue)
 Add a AntennaConfiguration to the LLRP sub-parameter list.
CReaderEventNotificationSpecgetReaderEventNotificationSpec (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP ReaderEventNotificationSpec sub-parameter.
EResultCode setReaderEventNotificationSpec (CReaderEventNotificationSpec *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP ReaderEventNotificationSpec sub-parameter.
CROReportSpecgetROReportSpec (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP ROReportSpec sub-parameter.
EResultCode setROReportSpec (CROReportSpec *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP ROReportSpec sub-parameter.
CAccessReportSpecgetAccessReportSpec (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP AccessReportSpec sub-parameter.
EResultCode setAccessReportSpec (CAccessReportSpec *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP AccessReportSpec sub-parameter.
CLLRPConfigurationStateValuegetLLRPConfigurationStateValue (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP LLRPConfigurationStateValue sub-parameter.
EResultCode setLLRPConfigurationStateValue (CLLRPConfigurationStateValue *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP LLRPConfigurationStateValue sub-parameter.
CKeepaliveSpecgetKeepaliveSpec (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP KeepaliveSpec sub-parameter.
EResultCode setKeepaliveSpec (CKeepaliveSpec *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP KeepaliveSpec sub-parameter.
std::list< CGPIPortCurrentState
* >::iterator 
beginGPIPortCurrentState (void)
 Returns the first element of the GPIPortCurrentState sub-parameter list.
std::list< CGPIPortCurrentState
* >::iterator 
endGPIPortCurrentState (void)
 Returns the last element of the GPIPortCurrentState sub-parameter list.
void clearGPIPortCurrentState (void)
 Clears the LLRP GPIPortCurrentState sub-parameter list.
EResultCode addGPIPortCurrentState (CGPIPortCurrentState *pValue)
 Add a GPIPortCurrentState to the LLRP sub-parameter list.
std::list< CGPOWriteData
* >::iterator 
beginGPOWriteData (void)
 Returns the first element of the GPOWriteData sub-parameter list.
std::list< CGPOWriteData
* >::iterator 
endGPOWriteData (void)
 Returns the last element of the GPOWriteData sub-parameter list.
void clearGPOWriteData (void)
 Clears the LLRP GPOWriteData sub-parameter list.
EResultCode addGPOWriteData (CGPOWriteData *pValue)
 Add a GPOWriteData to the LLRP sub-parameter list.
CEventsAndReportsgetEventsAndReports (void)
 Get accessor functions for the LLRP EventsAndReports sub-parameter.
EResultCode setEventsAndReports (CEventsAndReports *pValue)
 Set accessor functions for the LLRP EventsAndReports sub-parameter.
std::list< CParameter
* >::iterator 
beginCustom (void)
 Returns the first element of the Custom sub-parameter list.
std::list< CParameter
* >::iterator 
endCustom (void)
 Returns the last element of the Custom sub-parameter list.
void clearCustom (void)
 Clears the LLRP Custom sub-parameter list.
EResultCode addCustom (CParameter *pValue)
 Add a Custom to the LLRP sub-parameter list.

Protected Attributes

std::list< CAntennaProperties * > m_listAntennaProperties
std::list< CAntennaConfiguration * > m_listAntennaConfiguration
std::list< CGPIPortCurrentState * > m_listGPIPortCurrentState
std::list< CGPOWriteData * > m_listGPOWriteData
std::list< CParameter * > m_listCustom

Detailed Description


This is the response by the Reader to the GET_READER_CONFIG message. The response is the LLRPStatus Parameter and the list of configuration parameters based on the RequestedData in GET_READER_CONFIG. If the GET_READER_CONFIG message did not have any errors, the success code is returned in the LLRPStatus parameter, and in addition the requested configuration parameters are returned. If there is an error, the appropriate error code is returned in the LLRPStatus parameter. The response contains at most one instance of each configuration parameter except for two cases, which are as follows:

Copyright 2006, 2007, EPCglobal Inc. The proprietary text of EPCglobal Inc. included here is in not a Contribution to the LLRP toolkit, under Apache License, Version 2.0. The right to use the proprietary text is limited to reproduction and display thereof within the work.

Definition at line 5246 of file ltkcpp.h.

Member Function Documentation

void LLRP::CGET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE::assimilateSubParameters CErrorDetails pError  )  [virtual]

Assimilates the decoded sub-parameters into m_listAllSubParameters.

After fields are decoded, the CDecoder itself takes care of gathering the subparameters into m_listAllSubParameters. Once the end of the enclosing TLV (or message) is reached this assimilateSubParameters() function is called to create parameter refrences from the primary member variables.

[out] pError Error details for encoded stream

Implements LLRP::CElement.

void LLRP::CGET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE::decodeFields CDecoderStream pDecoderStream  )  [virtual]

Virtual function provided by each specific element type to decode fields (simple values). Leaves pDecoderStream at first subparameter.

[in] pDecoderStream The stream from which to decode fields

Implements LLRP::CElement.

void LLRP::CGET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE::encode CEncoderStream pEncoderStream  )  const [virtual]

Encode fields and subparameters.

[in] pEncoderStream Stream to encode

Implements LLRP::CElement.

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